A Fantastic Wine and Spa Mother’s Day Gift Pack

I really can’t believe it, but Mother’s Day is less than two weeks away! It is definitely time to start looking for that perfect gift for your mom or favorite mom friends. Here is a great gift pack that you could pair with your favorite Woodinville restaurant take-out dinner – a gift of luxurious relaxation at home.

Lauren Ashton Cellars, one of our favorite Woodinville wineries, kindly gifted us a bottle of their 2019 Rosé to Carrie to celebrate their recent release. As I was going to their tasting room to pick it up, I noticed that they had a Mother’s Day wine and spa gift pack available. I know my mom would love it, so I bought one to send to her.

I was eager to see what was within this pretty packaging! Shipping and weekend pick up is available so if you have someone that you’d like to order this gift for, click here.

This gift set includes two bottles of wine, the rosé and a bottle of Ashton Troy Wines 2014 Bisou. Ashton Troy Wines is the winery’s second label designed exclusively for restaurants. Your gift also includes two Finestida bath bombs and their arctic beach foot scrub.

With nail salons and spas remaining closed due to Washington’s stay-at-home order, most of us moms are probably overdue for a nice pedicure, and would appreciate some extra pampering time.

With all of the recent stress stemming from the current stay-at-home situation, I know that I would enjoy a glass of wine while sitting back in a relaxing spa atmosphere at home. Would you?

Cheers to all of the incredible mothers in our lives, no matter where we all are!


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