Breaking News – Village Wines Re-Opens Today Under Phase 1.5!

Great news! Our friends at Village Wines restaurant in Woodinville just announced, moments ago, they are eligible to re-open under King County’s Phase 1.5 regulations, and they will be opening TODAY! (Friday, June 5). They write:

“IT’S OFFICIAL! We will be open today for In-Restaurant seating. We have limited seating and kindly request reservations be made by calling (425) 485-3536. Reservations will be made for 90 minute spots and we ask that you wear a mask anytime you are not seated. We will be Open from 3 to 9 today and Noon to 9 tomorrow!”

Visit Village Wines’ website and social media accounts for up-to-date info on their safety measures and their phased-in social-distancing re-opening!


Village Wines Website

Village Wines on Facebook

Village Wines on Instagram



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